ProMax - MicroMax - NanoMax - UltraMax

The diffrence between Nanomax and Ultramax :

Ultramax have AB function that controlled each output separately



 1. Charge the unit few hour before the first use.

 2. Apply water or hand sanitiser on the each pad.

 3. Attach both pads on any part of your body. - (The two pads have to be on the same person )

 4. Eeach unit have diffrent settings use the mode that you like to use.

 5. Different mode  (1) Tuina (Push & Pull), (2)Acupuncture, (3)Tapping, (4)Guasha (Scraping),

                               (5)Cupping, (6)Shiatus (Finger Press),     

                               (7)Pressure,(8) Back Pain, (9)Deep Tissue Massage,

                               (10)Body Building,  (11)Body Building2 , (12) Combination.

 6. Increase the intensity on the level that you like 

 7. Relax and enjoy it.

Shoe Massage

1Apply water or hand sanitiser on the shoes

2. Plug the Shoe to the unit ( Pro/Micro/Nano/Ultra)

3. Use both foot at the same time 

4. Choose the mode that you like use

5. Increase the intensity 

6. Relax and enjoy it  

Heating Pads 

To Start Using Heat Pads :

1. Flex metal disc back and forth until you see crystals form and the pad begins to warm up.

2. Knead pad to soften.


                                                                                              Reusing Heat Pad:

1. Boil a pot of water.

2. Place a cloth at the bottom of the pot.

3. Place the pad on the cloth inside the pot and continue to boil the water until all crystals are dissolved and the pad in completely clear.

4. When the pad is completely clear, (only liquid remains), take it out of the water using plastic tongs, and place it on a cloth or counter area to cool         


5. Please notice: All crystals must be dissolved in order  the pad to be stored in its original state. If not perfectly clear, a chain reaction will begin and the

pad will stay in its heated form. Carefully hold the pad against a light to make sure no crystals left. If crystals start forming while the pad is cooling,

repeat steps 1, 2 and 3.

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